Where to Register Complaints About Airboat Noise
Complain about problem airboat operations
If you hear a loud airboat and wish to register a complaint call the Maine State Police dispatch line at 207-624-7076 (available 24/7).
The dispatch line is tasked with logging complaints, which are later used to identify problem areas and operators.
If the dispatcher seems confused tell them we (the general public) have been instructed to use this line as the preferred way to register complaints about noisy airboats.
They should ask for your name and the time and place of the problematic airboat operation.
Complaint data is compiled periodically and shared with the stakeholder group and interested elected officials in summary form. They do track whether complaints come from the same or different people, but do not share names of specific people registering the complaints.
When is it appropriate to call the police dispatch line about airboat noise
You should register a complaint if you find the noise bothersome enough to think of doing so. While there are temporary statutory limits on noise in place, the state is still evaluating whether these limits are enforceable or adequate. One of the key metrics being followed is the number of complaints they receive through the police dispatch line. You should not feel that you are abusing police resources or wasting anyone's time with trivial matters. State officials have identified the dispatch line as the preferred channel to register and compile airboat complaint data.
Other contacts to share general concerns airboat noise:
Consider writing to your town manager and your state representative and senator to express your concerns about airboat noise. The more town and state officials hear about the problem of airboat noise the better our chance to see improvements in policy. Officials do change, so if you find any of these contacts are out of date please let us know at admin@mainecoastalnoise.org.
Town of Brunswick
Town Manager, John Eldridge jeldridge@brunswickme.org (207) 725-6659
Town of Freeport
Interim Town Manager, Caroline Pelletier cpelletier@freeportmaine.com (207) 865-4743 x121
Town of Harpswell
Town Clerk, Catherine Doughty cdoughty@town.harpswell.me.us 207-833-5822, ext.115
West Bath
Town Administrator, Kristine Poland townadministrator@westbathmaine.gov (207) 443-4342
Office of the Governor
Thomas Abello thomas.abello@maine.gov
Maine House of Representatives
Rep. Poppy Alford, Brunswick Poppy.Arford@legislature.maine.gov
Rep. Daniel Ankeles, Brunswick Daniel.Ankeles@legislature.maine.gov
Rep. Melanie Sachs, Freeport and Pownal Melanie.Sachs@legislature.maine.gov
Rep. Ralph Tucker, Harpswell Cheryl.Golek@legislature.maine.gov
Rep. Allison Hepler, West Bath Allison.Hepler@legislature.maine.gov
Maine Senate
Sen. Mattie Daughtry Mattie.Daughtry@legislature.maine.gov
Maine Legislature Links